Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dallas Trip Is Coming!

Okay girls we want everyone to join us! A group of 6 of us went last year and had a blast! We would love to have more come with us this year. We will leave about 12:30 on Friday December 7, and come home on Sunday afternoon. We spend most of the day Saturday at Grapevine Mills Shopping Center doing our Christmas Shopping thing, but there is a movie theater there as well for those who may not want to spend the day shopping. We eat out and never even glance to see if they have Chicken nuggets on the children's menu. We eat dessert and don't feel guilty, and we laugh until we hurt. Basically, we have a grand ole time. It isn't a very expensive trip because we split the hotel rooms evenly and pitch in for gas, but other than that what you spend is up to you. Let me know if your in really soon because I need to solidify the reservations. Don't miss your chance on a good time! Also, if you know of someone that isn't a MUGGER invite them to come too, as long as they can have fun.


Lelah said...

29 days 15 minutes and counting!!!!!!

The Warriors said...

To my GREAT disappointment I will be working on Friday, so I will have to miss the trip! I'm so there next year though!!