Monday, December 31, 2007

FYI... I could use a prayer or two this week

Well my Girls, the day is fast approaching that I have known was coming since I was 15 years old. On Thursday morning, I am going into Baptist Hospital to have a hysterectomy. It has been a long time coming and really, I am ready to have it behind me. I have suffered for years from pain and have gotten to the point of having to take narcotics to get through the monthly cycle. Needless to say, it is time to go through with the surgery. I have some very mixed emotions going on in this already crazy head of mine, but I will spare you the details. I will get more in depth on my own blog space if you want to check that out in a day or two. Anyway, if you don't mind adding me to your prayer list the whole Ballard family would appreciate it. The next few weeks will be tricky to say the least, but hopefully uneventful if all goes as hoped. If you need me I will be on my couch and the phone should be close to my side. Thanks for your prayers and friendship and I will be back at MUGG when I can, but really have no idea when that will be. Also, a week later (Jan 11th) Claire will be having oral surgery to pull 5 teeth and do various other things. Please keep her in your prayers as well. Do we know how to ring in a new year or what?

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